Monday, June 27, 2011

Last night

Last night was miserable I was so sore and swollen ( remember I am burned in places that weren't meant to see the sun) that to even have a sheet on hurt so I swallowed my tough gal persona and then I swallowed a pain pill, and put in a decent night. This evening at work it started acting up again so on my last break I took 2 Advil and that seems to have ebbed the pain. I am not going to take anything now ( before I go to bed) but you can bet your pa-toot-ie I am going to get up and take something as soon as I feel discomfort tonight  ( if I feel it tonight)
Thanks again to all who have and are following me, and to anyone who stumbles on this 
Good night and God Bless


  1. I hope you're feeling better now...

  2. I am starting to. I am burned and peeling in places that have NEVER seen the sun :) But each new day is better. Thanks for all the encouragement Julie.
