Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1/2 way

YIPPEE 15 down 15 to go. I took treats to the team today ( creamy chocolate chip cookies with white chocolate swirl) I got a couple of hugs on of the RN's said those cookies are like a party in my mouth :) and another told me " you have a knack" I love those reactions from my baked goodies
I am feeling good I go back to work today after 5 days off so I am rested and ready to go. I am a bit tender but I am applying the lotion and taking care that I don't get to burned. The last 2 days I have seen patients in obviously distress ( hooked up to i.vs and what not ) and truly take a minute to count my many blessings.
However I was in the waiting room this AM watching GMA and there was a story about a women who although there was a big family history of BC she did not have BC or sings of it, she is crowding 50 and decided to have a double mastectomy. Her mom on her second round with BC the story hit home and hit me with more emotion then I expected.. Did I do the right thing? Should I have went with the mastectomy? But like my dad says don't look back unless you want to go there. I have to believe ( and I do ) that I made the right decision.
Enjoy your Hump Day
God Bless

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