Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Surgery set

OK I added a picture of our little man because he ( Hayu) makes me smile. Surgery is set for Good Friday at 2:15 PM . I am encouraged because this is a very Holy day and I am taking it as a sign. Like I said in my previous post I did not sleep well last night, but I did come to the conclusion I am NOT going to worry until there is reason to worry. I know I will be in good hands and I'd rather do this now then half way through radiation... I will continue to keep you all posted.
God Bless


  1. Hey There, Laura- I just found your blog on Jules page in the village. I was praying the drs. got it all the first time, but you are right, better now than later. Many mini prayers going up to the Lord for you. Good luck Friday. If you have time go to my blog(The Emmerich Tree) and read my story fo The Road Of Life. Let God do the driving on your bike ride~~take care~~

  2. Thanks Rita, I will check it out right now. And thanks for the Prayers.
